Automating WinSCP to Deploy a Site Part 2

In the last post I’d made WinSCP script to copy a local folder to a remote folder to deploy my website. I’ve made some improvements since. Instead of using put to copy the files across I’ve used synchronize to do so.

synchronize remote -criteria=size C:\Path\To\New\Site\

synchronize basically makes one folder the same as the other. You could switch out remote and use local to download changes from the remote. The critera part tells how we compare files between local and remote. As I’m using Hugo, the timestamps get binned when the site is compiled so I only have the sizes to go by.

Another issue I’ve had is with Hugo itself not copying assets that aren’t directly used (e.g. images). So I’ve bunged an xcopy together with the above to make this handy batch file.

Wheel in jasemagee.bat

xcopy /E /i /y C:\Path\To\Site\assets\img C:\Path\To\Site\public\img

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\" /log="C:\Path\To\WinSCP.log" /ini=nul /script="C:\Path\To\Sync website.txt"